Saturday 22 August 2009

Ready, Steady...

I am sat on the sea wall at St Bees. In front of me, the Irish Sea. Rising tantalisingly from the pebble beach to my right, a pathway onto South Head, the start of my walk. And ahead...well, who knows what is in store for me up that path.

I must admit that my excitement and sense of anticipation makes it hard to resist the urge to strike out now. It is a beautiful summer afternoon; warm and bright with the cloud diffusing the sunlight and a gentle breeze coming off the sea.

Around me, families are making the most of it. Children are paddling in the sea, couples are walking their dogs. Others are, like me, sat on the sea wall just savouring the relaxed, warm Saturday afternoon.

But the adventure will have to wait for now. I've had my photo taken next to the official start and dipped my toes in the sea, just in case there is a last minute hitch which delays me tomorrow.

Now, though, it is time to walk back into town to visit friends who have kindly offered to put me up. I declined their offer of a warm, comfortable bed - tempting though it sounded - to camp in their garden so that I could test out my equipment before heading onto the fells. They are also holding a barbecue for the local first responder medics. After just a couple of cereal bars I am salivating at the prospect of sme hearty food. I just hope I won't be be needing their services on the long solo trek ahead.

But the alarm is set for 5am, and at first light I will return, repeat the C2C rituals I last went through with my wife on our second Coast-to-Coast walk more than a decade ago, and aim to walk the first 23 miles to Black Sail Pass at the foot of Loft Beck in the heart of the Lake District. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog via the Sherpa forum.
    I'm a CtoC virgin and due to start my 12 day attempt on 4th September so will be following you Blog with great interest. I've gone for the B&B/YHA option and after a trial last weekend feel my kit is more than heavy enough without the edition of mobile accommodation.
    Good luck.
